
Angels Who They Are What They Do And Why It Matters

Angels Who They  Are What They Do And Why It Matters Angels Who They Are What They Do And Why It Matters


Are there angels?
There is so much to say in the bible about angels
We have whole libraries on books about demons and sorcery
But when you search you can hardly get a book on angels but why?
The best you can find is a pamphlet
And that makes me wonder are angels existing today?
And do they appear to people today?

It was john Paton one of the greatest missionaries
Who was ministering in the new Hebrides
Who said that the people had surrounded his house one night and they were going
To kill him, with all their ammunition, their guns, bullets, spears and whatever they could you to kill him
They started to shoot and throw at the house where he was, and suddenly they stopped and ran. A few months later the chief of those that had let the attack was converted and spoke about the incident of that night and the chief said “where did you get all those soldiers that night” and john Paton said “we didn’t have any soldiers” but the chief said “oh yes we saw the soldiers surrounding the house that night with all their guns and we were afraid and terrified at the number of those soldiers.”
Thought the times God has sent his ministering Spirits to bring Healing and salvation to those in torment and we see that thought scripture
The question is how come people have lost faith in God And in his Ability to send Helpers, the angels when we are in dire need?

There is a lot of frustration and people are being attacked by the satanic forces
Matter of fact is that there is a supernatural battle for the souls of men going on in the spiritual world right now and I think it’s high time we as Christians realize the truth of the bible as it is
For the bible says “greater is he who is in you than that is in the world” Our heavenly Father has not abandoned as in this world but The Holy Spirit is with us and Leads us in power and victory according to our faith in he who sent us that is if we let him!
And remember the Holy Spirit is God Him Self Guiding you in All Righteousness and Holiness
And Where God Is There His Angels Shall Also Be Innumerous in number they are here to fight alongside you
These in fact appear 108 times in the Old testament and also 165 times in the new testament
Angels appeared to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and many numerous times to the prophets
And the believers in the ancient times
So we ask who and what are the angels, well these are created beings created before the creation of the physical universe and all that is matter was made they exceed in strength and knowledge of all spiritual and physical
When we read Psalms 148:5 About the creation of angels
It is God Alone is the uncreated one the eternal one, we cannot understand how God Has No beginning and no end
And the bible clearly says there are spirits
And sometimes they come in human form and speak to us like when they angels spoke to Abraham in form of men and the people of Sodom also thought that they would fulfill their last on such holy ones only to their demise when they were blinded and after burned with brimstone and fire
The bible says in Hebrews !3;2 “be not forgetful to entertain strangers’, for thereby some have entertained angels” This means that most of the Christians watching and listening to this have interacted with angels
The bible make no mistake says angels have no body but they take on a human form if it lies in line with their mission and purpose they exceed in intellect though they don’t know everything
Mark 24;34 says “But that day and hour knows No Man, No Not the angels but my father only ”
The angels are obedient to God though some fell in the great rebellion that the devil wrought
These beings exceed in strength and power 2peter 2;11

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