In this video, i show you 3 water start techniques. The most commonly used one (1-Up-down) is the worst one. There is one for stronger wind (2- power stroke) and the one that helps you the most because the kite is going up instead of down (03-down-up).
The first water start (01) is like wakeboarding with a boat without a tower. The rope is attached near the engine, so pulling you down. It's possible to wake but not that easy. The 3rd one is like doing it with the tower as the pull is up helping you to stand.
Check here the time code for them.
01-Up down - (most common one but the worst one)- 1:34
02- Power stroke (best for powered days) 3:41
03.- Down up - (best one for teaching as it helps you stand and saves your equipment) 4:37