
What Did Humans REALLY Look Like?

What Did Humans REALLY Look Like? Each time archaeologists come across a skeleton, they know that there was a good story behind this person's life. Even if they lived a seemingly ordinary life for other people of that time period, there is so much to learn from their bones that are left over. Thanks to the work of some dedicated forensic artists and professionals who are always seeking the truth, we can now begin to put a face to some skulls based on their bone structure. Some of the findings might surprise you. From some of the first primates to develop human like characteristics, to people who lived during the end of the ice age, here are how humans really looked, thousands of years ago.

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6.Neolithic People
The neolithic area or the first stone age would bring about more of a recognizable society that we can almost begin to call a civilization. This began around 12,000 years ago, when earth was finally starting to warm up and humans wouldn’t need to migrate quite as often to find food. It primarily refers to the cultural characteristics, the changes in technology, domestication of animals like dogs, and the usage of domestic crops. Although this seems like a huge step in the right direction, it was still a rather crude way of living. It was during period of time when we begin to notice amazing human achievements in construction and a significant increase in life expectancy. They would also be in considerably good shape, considering the amount of work that needed to be done including farming, construction, and had powerful muscle mass but less than that of a neanderthal. Women were also about 5 feet tall and men about 5 foot 6 but otherwise, very similar looking to modern humans.

5.Tollund Man
The Tollund man is and still is one of the most remarkable mummy discoveries in the world, and scientists have learned so much from this discovery. This one wasn’t preserved with ice or with mummification techniques but the mysterious conditions of the Danish bogs which allow for preservation all the way down the wrinkles on his face and the stubble on his chin.. You’re looking at the face of a prehistoric man which might be a little bit mind boggling for historians. It was discovered in May of 1950 when brothers were exploring the area. Since it seemed so well preserved police, had first thought it was indeed a murder scene! It’s believed that this man was apart of some sacrificial due to the way his body was positioned in a sleeping position.

4.Bronze Age Man
Thanks to modern technology, we don’t always need perfectly preserved mummies in order for us to get an idea of what some people would have looked like thousands of years ago. By using DNA and face molding analysis, researchers brought to life this iron age man that we see in this photo. It’s estimated that he was anywhere from 25 to 35 years old and likely suffered from iron deficiency anemia some 3700 years ago. This would result in pale skin, insomnia, dizziness, headaches and loss of energy. Anemia can also cause people to develop cravings to eat inedible objects such as hair, nails, and dirt. He could have certainly gotten this illness if his clan was going through a famine and was having trouble finding food.

3. Homo Luzonensis
Is it possible that some of the first humans inhabited the caves of the philippines? Scientists are pondering the possibility after a rare discovery took place at the callao cave system in the northern island of Luzon. Evolution in asia has always been an interesting and complicated subject but this just made it even more compli cated! The skull remains are carbon dated between 50,000 to 67000 years ago.. The skeleton was dubbed as the Homo Luzonensis in April of 2019. Although there are no estimates as to how tall they were exactly, it’s likely they were substantially shorter than neanderthals and were capable of climbing trees and would have looked similar to the homo floresiensis.

It’s known that Europeans tended to have more Neanderthal DNA while asians tend to have more denisovan DNA. It’s believed that the modern day tibets hold onto a decent amount of genes inherited from the denisovans which allows for them to resist higher altitudes. The denisovans eventually crossed paths with neanderthals and the Denisova cave in Siberia which lead to the first neanderthal denisovan hybrid to be created. Although the two groups were genetically similar enough to produce offspring, they were extremely different in about every other way imaginable. Many hypotheses that the denisovans would have looked like the typical neanderthal but with more asian physical characteristics. It’s known that their teeth would have been fairly large and less hairy however, due to a lack of a complete skeleton, more discoveries need to be made to know for sure. Large amounts wasn’t necessary, due to the fact that they adapted to a warmer climate.


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