
The 3 Hats of Financial Planning - Interface Financial Planning

The 3 Hats of Financial Planning - Interface Financial Planning I am a Client Centred Financial Planner and while many simply refer to me as an Independent Financial Adviser that is only one part of what I do. There are three parts to being a financial planner which I call my three-stage process and I sometimes refer to it as wearing ‘my three hats’.

Our three stage process: The first stage is life planning, this goes hand in hand with the second stage which is financial planning, and finally (and only if shown to be required after completing the first two stages) there is financial advice.

It makes me angry that many financial advisers start talking about pensions or investments within a couple of minutes of seeing you without even knowing anything about you or what you need -- this is crazy!

We believe that no one has the right to discuss financial products with you until they fully understand you as an individual.

The good use of your money can enhance your life, but no amount of money can guarantee that you live a good and happy life.

We need to know what is important to you and what you want to achieve. Helping you to live the life that you want is more important to us than looking after your money.

What is financial planning? It is helping clients to understand where they are heading financially. It is answering that big question: how much is enough? What is your number? It’s helping clients to understand their inflows versus their outflows.

Using lifetime cash flow modelling we can identify opportunities for clients to live more and do more. It’s helping clients to understand if they ‘not enough type clients’ and are they going to run out of money? Are they going to die with too much? Or are they, just right?

Financial advice without life planning and financial planning is like giving you a two-week holiday without knowing if you want to go to the destination or whether you can even get there.

financial planning,life planning,wealth management,

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