
Sam + Manny + Jinwa Grounded series for anyone.

Sam + Manny + Jinwa Grounded series for anyone. Credit to everyone!
Introducing the grounded series that anyone could do. In this video I am introducing Samuel Henson and His rival Manny as well as showing the Jinwa series if anyone is interested. Feel free to give Katie (Sam's girlfriend) a family.

ID codes:

Sam Henson: 329825217
Katie (Sam's girlfriend): 329852476
Ryn Henson: 329852494
Phil Henson: 329825260
Connie Henson: 329825268

Manny: 329852254
Manny's Dad: 329852304
Manny's Mom: 329852327

Jinwa Asters: 329809451
Satori Winters (Updated look): 329852469
Jerry Asters: 329809475
Ava Asters: 329809494

I guess you could also consider this video as a hint to an update of the Satori series as well as the beginning of the Manny series.


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