
Rich People vs. Poor People | 3 Key Differences

Rich People vs. Poor People | 3 Key Differences I’m going to break down what separates the Rich from the Poor,
And if you’re anything like me I want to know what the Rich are doing so I can do it as well.

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The1st difference between the Rich and the Poor was inspired by Gary Vaynerchuck, which is that the rich are trying to build the biggest building in town, while the Poor is trying to build the biggest building by tearing everybody else’s building down.
We all know this, to get to the top we have to put our heads down and work hard every single day to be able to create an Empire.
To create an Empire you need to be able to provide value that no one else is providing, which comes with hard work, having an amazing team, being able to put out fires, constantly changing and adapting to the world.
The thing here is that the Poor want things easy and want to get rich quick. They want the success, the money, but they’re not doing it out of passion. Which puts them in a mindset that they need to destroy the biggest building in town or even copying their value, instead of creating the biggest building they can possibly create. And that is why the rich win at the end.

Before I continue to the 2nd point, if I was able to bring some value to you through this video please hit that like button and subscribe, it helps my channel more than you think. And I would really appreciate it, so thank you.

Now, the 2nd difference between the Rich and the Poor comes down to mindset. Let’s think about this for a second, what is the one thing that both the Rich and the Poor have in common? They’re both human. And since they’re both human, they have qualities that they both share like attitude, are they optimistic or pessimistic, are they an introvert or extrovert, are they constantly complaining or grateful for what they have today. At the end of the day, are they mentally strong to overcome obstacles, fear, problems, or even laziness. The simplest way you can think of mindset is, your thought habits. Meaning its the constant state of how you think, what you feel, and what you do.
Millionaires’ have goals in which they would like to accomplish just like the poor do. The difference is that the Rich have the mindset of not giving up when it gets hard, facing their fears and insecurities, being optimistic, not being entitled but instead working for what they want to accomplish.
While the poor, rather stay comfortable and not take risks because their mindset is stuck in their fear of losing.

The 3rd difference between the Rich and the Poor all comes down to, their priorities. When you have priorities, those priorities come first before anything, meaning you sacrifice whatever you need to sacrifice to have those priorities on top. And the thing here is that no matter who you are, you have your set priorities that are personal to your own life. But on a serious note the poor have priorities that they’ve set just like the rich do, but they don’t want to put in the work or even sacrifice what others won’t for their priorities. Like for example, if your goal is to become financially free and be able to improve your families lives. But instead you’re not willing to sacrifice your weekends to learn how to flip items on ebay, use that profit, and invest on something that will give you cash flow every month, because you value more watching Netflix and catching up on Stranger Things Season 3. Then you don’t have your priorities lined up the way you say you do. But instead the rich have priorities, they have goals, in which they are willing to take any sacrifices that will line them up to their priorities.

With that being said, the Rich are trying to build the biggest building in town, they have a set mindset on working hard and being kind, and they have their priorities set in which they will follow through. I hope I was able to bring some value in this video, and if I did please hit that like button and subscribe for more upcoming videos.

And remember,
be someone that makes you happy.

-Background: by Quiotye
IG: adamfelipe22

DISCLAIMER: This video is meant to be for entertaining purposes, and to inspire any person who would like to pursue their passion. In this video I share my opinion and we are not responsible for any of your actions, please be safe and careful! Thank you for watching, and let me know what video you would like to see next!

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