
Looks play no part in determining who that person truly is!

Looks play no part in determining who that person truly is! Determining a person's character solely off of looks will always guarantee fake friendships.

I'm tired of hearing.....

⭐️Panel up Ash274

You’ve predetermined who anyone is before getting to know them! Paneling up won’t do shit as it’s a way to measure yourself up against another by the outside appearance vs the inside appearance!

Unless your wanting to get your “SEXUAL HEALING” on looks shouldn’t be of any concern to you, shit even then you might go to bed with a Brad Pitt and wake up to Urkel!

I’d rather hangout with THE DONGER over you materialistic ass nuggets!!! 🖕🖕💜🖕🖕

#kiki #kikiramblibgs #sexualhealing #panelup #ash274 #longduckdong #sixteencandles #thebreakfastclub #zipit #originality #character #looksdontmeanshit #plugyourblowholepurplexedqt #purplemafia #judgeyourself #growup #notimportant #nothingtoprove #movealong #gettingold #donthatewhatyouenvyinothers #empowerment #worryaboutwhoyouare #youtube #youtubedrama #assnuggets #dontbeacopy #beoriginal #thedongerneedsfood #youbeatmyface #heysexygirlfriend #ptoyt #vain #anothercopy #bradpitt #urkel


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