
Jesus and Yahweh are the same

Jesus and Yahweh are the same This idea that Jesus is nice in the New Testament but God was mad in the Old Testament is complete BS.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10, that it was Jesus who was with the Israelites in the wilderness.
Well, what happened in the wilderness?
Most of the Israelites were killed after being TESTED for 40 years in the wilderness in a journey that should have taken just one month.
They were killed because of their unbelief.

Jesus said that He and Yahweh are ONE.
He did only what the Father(Yahweh) did and that He would return to judge in the glory of the Father in 70AD.

Well, that means it was Jesus who gave the law to Israel through the angels.
It was Jesus who gave them the 613 commandments and all the blessings and curses.
This is why Jesus gave them an updated list of commandments in the sermon on the mount.
It was Jesus who killed most of them in the wilderness.
It was Jesus who came in the clouds when Babylon destroyed the Jews and took them to exile.

It was Jesus who killed Ananias and Sapphira and those who took communion unworthily.
It was Jesus who came in the clouds and killed 1 million Jews in 70AD for not believing in him.

Yes, my friends....Jesus and Yahweh are the same...and the Bible says that Yahweh never changes...Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

So then the "god of the Bible" was Yahweh AND Yeshua who blessed Israel when they obeyed and cursed them when they disobeyed.
That ends the theory that Jesus was better than the Old Testament "god" because both are the same.

Sorry, but the true God of unconditional love is NOT Jesus.

The only way Grace believers can accept Christ is by ignoring 99.9% of the Bible.

They want a loving Jesus but ignore all his commandments and judgments.

They see him healing the sick and doing miracles, forgiving those who crucified him.

But they ignore that Jesus himself said that his love was not unconditional. He said that only those who believed in him were forgiven.

They believe in an imaginary harmless Jesus who does not even hurt a fly.

But the Biblical Jesus warned the people that they could reject him but there was no mercy if they killed the apostles and rejected the Holy Spirit in the 40 years from the Cross till 70AD.

The Holy Spirit was the spirit of Christ - Jesus said he was with the church till the end of the age.

So Jesus did not offer infinite mercy. He forgave them for crucifying him but if they rejected the gospel in the 40 years in that tribulation, then there was NO MORE SACRIFICE for sins but only a raging fire of judgment in 70AD.

People ignore the fact that this Jesus commanded people to stop sinning, sell everything to the poor, endure horrible tribulation, be faithful until death, not deny his name. They would be "saved" only if they passed all those tests.

This Jesus struck dead Ananias/Sapphira for not obeying him, threatened violence to those who did not repent, burnt 1 million people in the fire of 70AD.

In other words, Jesus is the same "god" of the Old Testament. The same as Yahweh.
Why is that a big surprise?
Jesus said that he and Yahweh are ONE.

The bible is not a lunch buffet where we can just cherry-pick what we want. We cannot manufacture a Jesus that suits our imagination.

The Biblical Jesus offered great mercy and compassion and forgiveness ...BUT only if they believed and obeyed the terms of the blood-covenant. If they rejected his blood-sacrifice, then they paid for it in their own blood in 70AD. That was always how the "god" of Israel operated.

This Jesus is NOT the true God of unconditional love.
Jesus offered many conditions and trials of faith to be "saved". But this Jesus died only for Israel and nobody else.
Jesus was Israel's flawed idea of "god".

The true GOD of unconditional love is our Daddy who lives in us and does NOT judge anyone.
He does not need blood-shed to forgive you and He does not kill anyone if they don't believe.
He has no commandments or laws or judgment.

The true God IS unconditional love

The true God is FAR BETTER...because He did not give us any laws and there's no judgment for us but only unconditional love for all of humanity.


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