The stock market historical returns can show you exactly how much volatility and what returns you can expect over time when investing in the stock market. According to the historical stock market returns for the period of 1973 to 2016 the average return is 11.69%, that means that your money had to be in the market for 44 years to get this return. Now granted that you may have better years than others, but what if you were one of those people that was retiring in 2008 only to find out that the investment for their retirement was wiped out. What if you were scheduled to start doing draws on your money, only to find out that there is barely any left to draw on.
This is why I love love love Tax Liens. This is because your investment is guaranteed to return anywhere from as low as 8% to as high as 25% or more depending on the state. Understand that these returns are not set by you and I, instead they are set by the government of that specific state that you are planning on investing. Now depending on what you like your returns to be at, I personally like to see at least 12% or more. This is why I am an avid fan of Florida because they offer 18%.
Also please understand that if you do the bid down the interest rate auction and you bid down to 5% or even 0%, then you will get that low interest rate. I always try to stay away from getting caught in a bidding war with someone else, and this is because I know that my rate of return will truly suffer. Instead I do the Over The Counter Tax Liens, this way there is no competition and I get to keep all 18% to myself.
You can also see that I have gotten a few redemptions in Florida at 18% annual return. Some were redeemed before 12 months which shows a smaller $ amount. Then there are some were that redeemed after 12 months which is a much more higher amount.
Now if you are enjoying this video and want to learn more in regards to investing in Tax Liens, please let me know in the comments below and I will be more than happy to help.
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Don't forget to always strive for Financial Independence.