
Genesis Apologetics 7 Myths Promo for Churches and Schools

Genesis Apologetics 7 Myths Promo for Churches and Schools This 15-second promo video can be used by churches and schools to overview our free program titled, "Debunking the 7 Myths that Deny Biblical Truth" video series here: The 7 myths include:

1 - “While the Bible may be ‘inspired,’ by God, it’s not ‘inerrant’ and parts of it are just myth.”
2 - “The Bible’s account of Creation is only metaphorical, the six creation days were not ordinary days, and creation really unfolded over millions of years.”
3 - “Genesis 1 and 2 provide two different accounts of creation.”
4 - “Adam and Eve were not real people, only allegorical figures in the story of human evolution.”
5 - “The Bible’s account of Noah’s Flood is just myth and was drawn from writings from the Ancient Near East.”
6 - “Moses did not actually write the first five books of the Bible,” and
7- Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago, did not walk with man, and are not mentioned in the Bible.”


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