
Create Web Based Python Apps in the Cloud with WayScript (Made Easy!)

Create Web Based Python Apps in the Cloud with WayScript (Made Easy!) Hey Everyone! In this one we'll look at how we can connect our workflows to website endpoints and python code. We'll create a password generator which runs from the cloud and then returns the password to our website.

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Python code for the password generator:
import string
from random import *

characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation

password = "".join(choice(characters) for x in range(randint(8,16)))


HTML code used in this video:

Tutorial on the python code for the random password generator:

(Forgive me it was one of my first videos on youtube, haha)

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WayScript,Python,Programming,Web App,Cloud,Cloud hosted,Cloud hosted application,random password generator,website,web development,tutorial,how to,Derrick Sherrill,Drag and Drop Superpowers,Build Website,Python app,

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