
The Superiority of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Study of Hebrews series)

The Superiority of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Study of Hebrews series) In this chapter, the inspired penman proclaims the Superiority of
Jesus' Sacrifice. We have entered into a section of this discussion
wherein the writer explains the deficiency of the Old Testament
sacrifices. We will finish this section, then look at "The Dominance
of Jesus' Sacrifice."
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Victor Eskew, OceanSide church of Christ

Oceanside Church of Christ,Church of Christ,Lord,Holy Spirit,God,Victor Eskew,animal sacrifices,the conscience,no perfection of the conscience,consciousness of sin,no forgiveness under the Old Covenant,meats,drinks divers washings,carnal ordinances,the time of reformation,Jesus reformed all things,Messianic reformation,Jesus as a High Priest,A High Priest of good things to come,a greater and more perfect tabernacle,the true church,a better sanctuary,

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