
Capability Based Planning Example

Capability Based Planning Example
About This volume:

hi I'm Pierre Gagné.
I'd like to show you how to use the panorama 360 to
perform the capability based planning in your organization.
For this example we'll be using three components of
Panorama 360:
* the value chain
* a capability map at the
second level
* and the functional
capabilities at the third level of decomposition.

So let's start by saying that capability based planning
can be done on a number of variables.
This example here we're going to be using
capability maturity and the importance
of those capabilities on the strategies.

For this example, we've selected or pre-selected
that selling products from the value chain is
where the organization should be putting
their investments.
Now we have the major capabilities that are in panorama.
It's a blank sheet at this point. So after doing
a number of exercises looking at the importance to strategies
and the maturity level of their capabilities,
we end up with a chart that shows
basically customer care being a focus of the organization
and in the strategies here we have three gold stars.
Basically three of those capabilities will drive the strategies
of the organization but
only one capability has poor maturity level
and it's the third one: customer needs identification.

So let's focus on that one and go down one more level
so on that customer needs identification now we have
three functional capabilities and
two of them have gold stars. So they are in line with
the business importance of the business strategies
and the two of them also have a poor maturity level
so the organization should be focused on
those two functional capabilities for
the growth of their organization and having them in
line with the strategies and having a
poor maturity level so this is how you
can use for capability based planning.

if you want to know more about panorama 360
please go to

About this volume;
#capabilitybasedplanning, #insurancevaluechain, #functionalcapabilities

capability based planning,value chain,functional capabilities,

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