We have tried to incorporate the Repeat sentence questions with the timer along with some background noise to simulate real exam conditions to help prepare yourself for the test day.
Make sure that you practise these Repeat sentence questions before appearing for your next PTE exam, so that it can drastically improve your chances for getting your desired score 65+ (or) 79+
Task Description:
This is one of the speaking task questions that tests your listening and speaking skills. You have to repeat the sentence that you hear, with correction pronunciation and intonation. You will generally get around 10 – 12 Repeat sentence questions on your test day.
- The audio status box will count down from 3 seconds and then the recording will play.
- After hearing the short sentence, wait until the blue bar shows the microphone is open and then repeat the sentence which have just heard by copying the speaker’s intonation.
PTE practice Session Upload schedule :
6th August PTE practice session videos :
(9:00am) Repeat Sentence (Part-2)
(12:00pm) Summarise Written Text (Part-6)
(3:00pm) Reorder Paragraphs (Part-4)
(6:00pm) Summarise Spoken Text (Part-6)
5th August to 11th August 2019 Practice Session playlist –
***All the upload times are per IST-Indian Standard Time***