
WHAT is Going On?! | Pick-a-Card | Tune into LOVE 🌬❤️

WHAT is Going On?! | Pick-a-Card | Tune into LOVE 🌬❤️ ✨PICK-A-CARD INTUITIVE, Tarot & Oracle READING✨

What is Going On? What is Happening?
A Message of Clarity, Affirmation & Guidance from LOVE 🌬❤️


If you would like to receive a Personal Reading from me,
please visit my website for all the details.

❤️🌟❤️My new Patreon Page! ❤️🌟🤗🔥

I am so excited to Launch this! Special messages and videos exclusive for my Patrons. So beyond grateful and honored to have you as a Patron. Welcome to the Family!

Follow me on ❤️

Decks Used:
The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck ~ John Holland
Wisdom of the Oracle ~ Colette Baron-Reid
Earth Magic ~ Steven D. Farmer
Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards ~ Doreen Virtue, PH.D.
Ascended Masters Oracle ~ Doreen Virtue, PH.D.
Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
Sacred Rebels ~ Alana Fairchild
Postcards from Spirit ~ Colette Baron-Reid
Wisdom of Avalon ~ Colette Baron-Reid
Everyday Tarot (small Tarot deck)
Nature’s Whispers Oracle Card ~ Angela Hartfield, Josephine Wall
Divination of the Ancients ~Barbara Meiklejohn-Free

Thank you, So Much Love, Appreciation and Gratitude for to those of you who offer Energy exchange donations!!
I Love You and Thank You!! ❤️🌹😍🤗

❤️Hello and Welcome to my Channel. Tune into Love! ❤️

My name is Crystal Lynn.
Infinite. Eternal. Divine Feminine with a very fiery Spirit!
Gemini Sun ♊️Virgo Moon♍️ Cancer Ascending♋️
Galactic Signature:
I Dedicate in order to Nurture
Universalizing Being
I seal the input of Birth
with the crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Space

I am here to anchor Unconditional Love
here on Earth...
A Messenger of Love, you could say!

I have been guided to offer my time and energy in anyway I can to empower, uplift, support, guide and awaken our own inner knowing and guidance. To remember we are connected to the Source of everything, and we have the Power within us to create and live our Hearts desires. For they are the desires of the Universe.
Now is your time. Now is OUR time!
WE are here to anchor and create a beautiful, everlasting foundation of Unconditional Love. We have a unique path and an amazing energy to bring to this Life. We are never alone. We walk together more than you know.
I am grateful and honored to be a messenger, and thank you for allowing me to be of service to you.

My spirit has guided me to share Love's Wisdom and Journey with you.
Without Unconditional Love guiding me and showing me the way, I wouldn’t be who or where I am today. I have so much gratitude, it overflows… So, I said YES!!
And the rest is History.
Everyday, I tune into the energy of Unconditional Love, and ask what it would like to share, teach or offer us.
The results have been MAGIC!

If you are looking to tune more into LOVE, then you may resonate with these messages.
I Welcome you with LOVE! and I hope you INJOY!
Remember, Love is Strong, Courageous and Infinite. Powerful.
What you are is Beauty. Strength. Infinite. Eternal. Immortal. Universal.
Embrace Your Soul.

Trust your own inner guidance to feel into what messages resonate for you always. Take what serves you, and leave the rest. Your higher self will always speak Love and Truth.

And thank you to My Subscribers and for your Likes, Comments and Shares!!!!
I am so beyond grateful to be a messenger and to deliver the messages that are meant for you. To share, inspire, empower and remind all, how truly powerful and amazing each of us are.
Sending Clarity, Strength and Love!
I will always respond to each and everyone of your comments as timely as I can! I am so grateful for you, for your love and support and feedback. My gratitude for you is Everlasting!

"What you seek, is seeking you." ~Rumi

Crystal Lynn
Infinite Love to All 🌬❤️🔥💜

pick a card,tarot reading,oracle,what is going on,what is happening,why is this happening,I need answers,please help me,divine guidance,spiritual awakening,personal growth,unconditional love,clarity,affirmation,guidance,wisdom,empowerment,intuitive,empath,divine messenger,love,twin flame,starseed,relationships,self love,healing,consciousness,

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