Join my Discord:
I tend to stream in 360p or lower because my upload speed is no more than 500kB/sec on a good day. This stream is to make you laugh and enjoy yourself, not to dazzle you with the resolution and graphical quality of the games I'm playing. Don't expect higher quality than this from me until I get a better ISP. Sorry about any video hiccups that occur as a result of that--my internet can't even keep up with THIS low of quality, but this is all I have to work with.
This is not what you'd call a child-friendly stream. However, I won't contaminate your child's mind with evil ideas. Teach your children a sense of discretion about swearing, violence, and the correlation of this in fictional media, and the difference therein about real life.
Don't take any of this seriously, kids. It's all purely jokes and entertainment.
1) Be good. No racism, colorism, sexism, or slander upon members will be tolerated--you won't spill your toxicity here ever again. SWEARING is allowed. TROLLING? Feel free to laugh about how much I suck at the game I'm playing. Be a good troll. If you come here to do nothing but be an asshole to me and my viewers, you're gone. If you strike me as racist, misogynistic, or largely hateful in any other way, you won't last longer than your first chatstring.
2) DO NOT ASK TO BECOME A MOD unless you're a mod on a stream I visit frequently. Only in this case should you ask to become a mod. Current mods are good mods that you should obey if you want any validation in this stream. I love and trust my mods.
3) BACKSEATING? Somewhat okay, if it's on a non-BLIND playthrough, tips and hints are indefinitely acceptable. "See what happens if you [xx]" is also acceptable in non-blind playthroughs. If I tell you not to tell me what to do, don't make an annoyance out of yourself by doing that. If I tell you to stop doing that, don't do that.
4) SPOILERS? What spoilers? Again, most of the games I play here are games I've already played through in the past, and I probably don't play them because I'm trying to learn about it, unless someone in the chat doesn't want spoilers, in which case I forbid it.
That is all--just abide by common sense, and you should be just fine. :D
!commands - List commands.
!discord - The bot posts my Discord link.
!cool - See how cool you are. Displays your ranks, hours, and Points.
!docoolstuff [#] - Wager a # of Cool Points by doing something cool.
!coolerthan [name] - Challenge someone to a cool-off. Costs 200 Cool Points.
!top10 - Top 10 users with most points and hours.
!top5 - Like !top10, but it's 5.
!give [name] [#] - Give someone points.
!steal [name] - Be a dirty thief and steal Points from someone. You might not get away with this.
!date - Today, CT.
!time/!clock - Time, CT
!stats - Subs, date, time, uptime.
!uptime - How long the stream's been going.
!death+ - Add a death to the death counter.
!8ball - Shake the omniscient Magic 8 Ball.
!groupfug [name] - Not unlike a group hug, name of a person you wish to include.
!rroulette - Shoot somebody at random.
!act [name] - Do something to someone.
!hug(s) [name] - Bring it in.
!smack [name] - Try smacking someone.
!howdoesittaste [thing] - MGS3.
!yousuck [name] - Tell me how much they fuckin' suck.
!smackbot - Smack ShawnTrawn.
!CtoF/!FtoC [degrees] - Convert Celsius to Farenheit, or vice versa.
!urbandictionary [word] - Why waste time looking a word up on UrbanDictionary when the bot can?
!id [name] - Fetch the YouTube ID of a user.
!myid - Your own YouTube ID.