
Vulnerability Isn't About What You Share

Vulnerability Isn't About What You Share

Everyone knows you have to be vulnerable to connect with your audience but there is a massive misconception that you need to open up about the sordid details of your life in order to be vulnerable.

The guru’s and though leaders are correct about vulnerability is that it’s a very important part of connecting with your audience. But, the problem is, they aren’t telling you how to achieve vulnerability in the most effective way.
Vulnerability isn’t about details. It’s about letting your audience know who you are and how you feel by the way you sue your voice.

You may think you are revealing who you are but there are some things you’ve probably never thought about and they’re keeping you from being the captivating movement maker you long to be.

I know how you feel, you are stuck in an oblivious loop of frustration over not wanting to reveal details about your life but wanting to be vulnerable, knowing you need to be vulnerable to connect with your audience and take your success to the next level.

A lot of professionals and entreprenuers are making the vulnerability mistake, they are relying on information and don’t even realize that the next level of success and connecting through vulnerability is found not in details but simply in their voice. Vulnerability is not about details, words, it’s about what you reveal about you and how you feel through your voice. And here’s another thing that you might not realize.

The chances are good that you are hiding behind a voice mask and every doubt you have about revealing words or even revealing secrets without emotion in your voice it keeps us out, it keeps us from knowing who you are and most importantly it keeps you out of vulnerability.

If you blast out details about you but you deliver them in such a way where they are just words and you are hiding behind a vocal mask, you aren’t using your voice to make us feel, that’s not vulnerability, that’s words.

When you can reveal your message in such a way that you make me feel what you feel then I can fully connect to you because the chances are good that I’ve felt that way before too and that is when I know you get me so I’m now willing to listen to you, follow you and buy from you.

So do you want to captivate through vulnerability or do you want to just reveal the sordid details of your life?

voice,public speaking,vulnerability,personal development,communication,effective communication,improve my voice,tracy goodwin,captivate the room,improve my speaking voice,speak with confidence,confidence,leadership,

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