
How to find your passion [ New Research]

How to find your passion [ New Research] how to find your passion?

For many of us a large portion of our time is spent in the workplace, so finding a job that you are passionate about and that makes you happy is important for a balanced, happy life.

I think the question of happiness comes down to a personal choice and we’re lucky to live in an era of wonderful opportunity where most of us have a choice to chase our passions.

I define ‘passion’ as something that gets you out of bed in the mornings and where you want to do more than what’s expected of you and I would say I am a passionate person when it comes to my work.

I am passionate because I always want to go one step further than required. I don’t wait for people to point me in the right direction to achieve a certain goal, I find the direction myself and that’s exciting for me.

Having passion is such an integral part to success in your career and in life.

Before starting in recruitment, I was passionate about swimming. I would train hard, I would stay in the pool a little longer, and I would watch videos on stroke correction. The coach would say to train twice a week, but I would always do extra. Passion is about wanting to do more and being the best you can be.

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