
Help for Another Kayak Rental Business

Help for Another Kayak Rental Business I am making this video on my own. Nobody asked me to do this. I just happen to know a few folks that think of this kayak business, that is now in troubled times, as if it's a second home. When I looked them up, the reviews were amazing. The owners are praised as folks that are above and beyond the norm. I have seen some pics from the storm damage they suffered. Whether or not they have insurance, the losses must be pretty hard.
I know.
I work everyday to make my own kayak business better and better. If a storm washed it away, it would be a tremendous blow. One that money would never really make up for. But many hands can help rebuild a new place a lot quicker. So, here I am.
I'm sorry to ask you guys to give. I never meant for this channel to be more than entertainment, information and inspiration for kayakers. But I find myself a contemporary amoungst kayak renters now. And I have a voice. And I feel compelled to help however I can to bring back a destination that paddlers can go to.
I already did my part. If you can add to that, then you have my thanks. If not, I understand. If you are upset that I am here asking for money, then I'm sorry. I just think that helping put people on the water, on kayaks, is a noble cause. And I just had to put this out there.
Feel free to check out PAC Kayak Rentals. Read the reviews. Make your own decision. And if you think they are worth a dollar and a few minutes of your time, then the link to donate to their paypal account is here;

Wishing everyone at PAC a speedy recovery!

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