
Woman yearns to outlive daughter's killer

Woman yearns to outlive daughter's killer Edith "Sammi" Siordia talks about her murdered daughter while visiting Grand Rapids on Thursday, May 16, 2019. In 1967, Siordia's daughter, Sonya Santa Cruz, 7, was kidnapped, raped and killed by Theodore Glenn Williams. He also raped and killed Laura Jo Sutliffe, 13, of Sparta, the previous year. Williams has spent most of his adult life confined in psychiatric hospitals under a long-since repealed law, the Criminal Sexual Psychopath Act. Siordia, who needs a kidney transplant, said she wants to outlive Williams. Siordia, who now lives in Long Beach, Calif., has returned to West Michigan for the first time in decades and took time to visit her daughter's gravesite. STORY:

Sammi Siordia,Theodore Glenn Williams,auth-grpcmorse-auth,

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