
Shift Your Language SHIFT your life (and how to do it)

Shift Your Language SHIFT your life (and how to do it) SHIFT Your Language and you will INSTANTLY SHIFT your life. Your inner dialogue controls your outer reality. This video I'll show you how to EASILY SHIFT Your Life in a POWERFUL way.

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This video I'm going to be sharing with you how to shift your language and shift your life. If you do this, your whole entire life will change because the inner dialogue is and creates your outer reality.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you how shifting your language shifts your life. And this is such a simple thing that when you begin to do, will take you to new heights will take you to new level of reality.

This is a, this is about understanding like they, they see that thing when it comes to in the beginning something about God and the word was God, right? That's something that they, you hear, you hear a lot when it comes to, in the beginning there was the word and the word was God.

Word. The word is a powerful thing that directs our life. Now the word can represent sound. It can represent vibration. And when we talk about sound and vibration, think about this in terms of what we are speaking into existence. What are we saying? Think about this in terms of the definitions in the beliefs you have.

Language creates a framework for the way that we see the world and sometimes we may go outside. We may try to change the outer reality, but we're going about it backwards. We're going about it the wrong way. It'd be like the traditional analogy. You go over to a mirror and instead of changing the expression on your face, you look at that mirror with a serious face.

You're like change and went in order to change it. You put your fingers up to it, you try to manipulate it, but you know deep down that ain't ever going to work. You ain't ever going to change the reflection on the mirror until you change. And in a similar way, reality is a reflection of what we believe to be true in reality is a reflection of our expression.

Now our language has a very powerful effect on the brain because our language creates the fame framework inside of our mind for the way reality works. They say that if you were to look at things that you had no word for, no meaning to that word. So think about about it in terms of the word you use and then the meaning of that word you use.

So for example, ball, just a little round ball things Bob basketball over there haven't used in forever. Should probably play basketball soon. Yeah, it sounds like fun actually. So ball, imagine you had never seen a ball before. You don't even know it is a ball.

You don't it have no meaning. You would look at it and you just wouldn't know really what to do with it. You may intellectually to like, well, if I wrote it, I bet it rose, but you would have no meaning to it. It wouldn't have any strong emphasis in your life because you wouldn't have context for it.

Now then what happens is we place the meaning on it or a a language you see that is a ball. That is what that is. And sometimes it can actually limit us because then it makes us to intellectual. Think about it. There's this beautiful bird and this beautiful bird is something you can be present with something you can notice, but the moment you identify what kind of bird it is, you're like that scientific route is the blue sparrow are tourists. That's the name of the bird.

Okay, that its no longer this divine being. Now this scientific, logical thought word and sometimes it will make us feel more separated from it rather than just being with it. However, language is creating our life and creates the structure, the framework in our mind for what we experienced in our life. Think about it like you may have a certain way that you talk about.

Look at your language around relationships within the language you use is your beliefs. Relationships come easily. Relationships come hard. Relationships are the limiting. They're not constrict you a freedom or relationships are compassionate. Relationships are love. You see, there's different facets of the same thing and our language about it carries with it definitions. Sometimes people will reach out to me and say, how can I do better in school when I hate going to school and all the teachers don't care about me?

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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