There was no apology or sign of remorse from any of these cowards. They have continued to spit the same lies as if none of this matters. I guess to them, it doesn't. Los Angeles Sheriff Department & Jackie Lacey setting new records for law enforcement professionalism. She really has got Los Angeles area police whipped into shape. The Corona incident with LAPD, 3 incidents by Los Angeles Sheriff Department in 1 day, the Torrance Police incident with Christopher Deandre Mitchell not to mention David Purdue and many more. I think Gardena Police Department set the new standard for law enforcement when they helped the 3 cyclists find their stolen bicycle in 2013. Might as well mention Inglewood Police targeting folks while they were sleeping. Glendale Arizona on the map for showing that family a good time in the parking lot of a local hotel after pretending to make a traffic stop. America is a wonderful place. The most free country in the world. Yes. #fakeassbitches #OIS #RyanTwyman