
Nigel Farage Offers Boris Johnson a Deal!

Nigel Farage Offers Boris Johnson a Deal! Last night at a live event, Nigel Farage offered Boris Johnson a deal. But would Boris really take him up on it?


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Last night at the Nigel Farage on Brexit: Live event hosted by the Daily Telegraph in London, Nigel Farage made a public offer to Boris Johnson of an electoral pact between The Brexit Party and the Conservatives.

This does, of course, rely on Boris becoming the new leader of the Tories.

When asked about the possibility of an electoral pact between the two parties, Mr Farage said:

"If he has the guts to be prepared to be voted down by Parliament, to call an election on a clean Brexit, then I would suggest that … logically there is a deal that could be done, and in those circumstances Boris would come back with a massive, massive majority."

And Tory donors are understood to have been in secret talks with Nigel Farage regarding a deal of this sort.

It all looks OK at first glance, but then when you dig into the detail a bit the whole scheme appears to be built on sand.

The outline of the plan seems to be that the Tories will keep much of what they've got. But they would not stand in areas such as in the North, where they don't do so well anyway, but where The Brexit Party seems to be gaining ground.

So, the argument is that, if the Tories stand in fewer seats they will get more MPs.

Now, take this as an equal 50/50 split for example. That would mean that it would be impossible for the Tories to win a proper majority, in its own right.

For this plan to work for the Tories and give them what Farage calls a 'massive, massive majority', The Brexit Party would have to stand aside in probably about 75% of seats, or even more. And I think that is probably the sort of deal the Tory donors are actually after.

Also, on getting into Number Ten, Boris will inherit MPs who are mainly Remainers. So, if he did call a snap general election soon after getting into office, he risks ending up with the same old faces staring intently at his back.

He will need a bit of time to see if he can change that. That would probably mean wholesale changes at constituency party level to get rid of most of the Remainers and put pro-Brexit candidates in their place.

And there is also the danger for Boris that, if he gives too much ground to Farage, he might end up in a situation where The Brexit Party gains more seats that the Tories do.

Is he really going to risk that happening?

And how about all those people who paid their £25 to become supporters of The Brexit Party? They joined Nigel Farage's project to get Brexit and also to change the face of politics forever. Isn't that what Farage is promising?

On its website the Party says:

"Millions of voters backed the Brexit Party because we turned their anger into hope. This was no protest, but a positive vote for our campaign to implement Brexit, uphold democracy and change politics for good."

How would that big change occur, if all that happened was The Brexit Party helped Boris and his crowd have a thumping majority? Are the Tories really likely to ditch first past the post and embrace proportional representation, or shut the doors of the House of Lords?


So, it might be The Brexit Party supporters who come out of such a pact as the most disappointed.

And what exactly would be the terms of such a pact? And how enforceable would they be?

I also have to wonder how you would get traditional Labour Party voters to go out and put a cross on a ballot paper next to the name of a party that has just cosied up so closely with the hated Tories?

No, this doesn't hang together for me.

But, what do you think? - Please share and comment - and thank you for watching.





News,Politics,Brexit,Political News,United Kingdom,UK,UK Government,UK Parliament,UK Politics,UK Political News,European Union News,Brexiteers,European Court of Justice,ECJ,Democracy,Jeff Taylor Brexit,the brexit party,tories,conservative party,boris johnson,electoral pact,general election,brexit party,

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