
Is school is a pyramid scheme? 😱

Is school is a pyramid scheme? 😱 Is school is a pyramid scheme? 😱

According to the SEC (

“In the classic "pyramid" scheme, participants attempt to make money solely by recruiting new participants into the program. The hallmark of these schemes is the promise of sky-high returns in a short period of time for doing nothing other than handing over your money and getting others to do the same.”

Now schools don’t ask us to recruit others but… The first part of this definition sounds pretty damn close! πŸ˜‚

There are 3 skills that have made me 6 figures that I would’ve never learned in a classroom and more importantly were either free or really cheap to learn.

1. Sales
2. Marketing
3. Networking

Now if you don’t have an interest or time to learn those skills… Or don’t want to start a business… My advice is… Simply invest in real estate. You have a much better chance of accomplishing your financial goals investing $30k - $40k in real estate than you ever would in investing that in school. 🏑

In fact we’ve helped 2 of our clients this year acquire 3 properties each, 1 of which was a multi-unit property in the span of ONE year… So they each have 4-5 renters paying them every month… πŸš€ πŸ’°

It doesn’t take long if you know what you’re doing… And if you don’t know what you’re doing… Well that’s what we’re here for! πŸ˜‰

Don’t get me wrong… I am not against education. I believe education is the antidote to many, if not ALL of our problems…

But formal education, the current educational system is an outdated system that was started by the Prussian government in the 1800’s to produce factory workers and soldiers.

Educate yourself… Or hire someone like myself who can help you on your path to achieving your goals.

If you’re interested in scheduling a talk with me about YOUR specific situation in regards to a mortgage transaction or need help with your credit…

Send me a DM, email me, call me, or book an appointment on my website!
(949) 791-9023

#mortgage #realestate #creditrepair

Follow me on social media @ richardlep3


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