
İngilizce de can/ could /be able to konusu (yetenek, olasılık)

İngilizce de can/ could /be able to konusu (yetenek, olasılık) İngilizce de can/ could /be able to konusu (yetenek, olasılık)
Can bir yardımcı fiildir, modal yardımcı fiilidir. Can, bir şeyin mümkün olup olmadığı ya da BİRİSİNİN BİR ŞEYİ YAPMA BECERİSİNİN OLUP OLMADIĞINI ANLATIRKEN KULLANILIR.
Rica, istek, izin gibi durumlarda da can kullanılabilir.
Özne+yardımcı fiil+modals
Johnny can swim. (Tony yüzebilir.)
My mother can speak Chinese. (Babam Çince konuşabilir.)
I can climb that mountain. (Şu dağa tırmanabilirim.)
My brother can play the piano. (Erkek kardeşim piyano çalabilir.)
He can drive a motorbike. (Motosiklet sürebilir.)
I cannot see you. (I can't see you.) (Seni göremiyorum.)
Tony can’t play volleyball. (Tony voleybol oynayamaz.)
My father can’t speak French. (Babam Fransızca konuşamaz.)
Can you speak any foreign languages? (Herhangi bir yabancı dil konuşabilir misin?)
OLASILIK var ise can kullanabiliriz.
I can come and see you tomorrow if you like (İstersen yarın gelip görebilirim.)

İZİN İSTEME ,RİCA ETME durumlarında da can kullanılır.
Can I have a glass of water, please?
(Bir bardak su alabilir miyim lütfen?)
Can you help me a minute, please?
(Lütfen bir dakika bana yardım edebilir misin?)
Can I read your newspaper?
(Gazeteni okuyabilir miyim?)
GEÇMİŞTEKİ olasılık, ihtimal, kabiliyet veya yeteneklerden bahsederken “could “ kullanırız
Alf played well but he couldn't beat Jack.
(Alf iyi oynadı ama Jack'i yenemedi.)
My brother couldn’t swim when he was 10.
(Kardeşim 10 yaşındayken yüzemiyordu.)
Couldn’t the boy open the door this morning?
(Çocuk bu sabah kapıyı açamadı mı?)
I could see him. (Onu görebilirdim.)
Could you close the window? (Pencereyi kapatır mısınız?)
Could you tell me where the hospital is, please?
(Hastanenin nerede olduğunu bana söyler misiniz lütfen?)
YETENEKLERİ ifade ederken be able to kullanılır.
Able sıfattır.
"I am able to swim" ile "I can swim" aynı anlamı taşır.
I am able to drive ----I am not able to drive
She he is able to drive---she is not able to drive
We you they are able to drive----they are not able to drive
Soru şeklinde ise: yardımcı fiil başa alınır.
Are you able to drive?
Am I able to drive?
Was / Were able to, (...e bildi) geçmişte yapılmış bir tek olay için kullanılır.
I/he/she was able to....
We/you/they were able to...

When I was young, I was able to play football.
(Gençken futbol oynayabilirdim.)
I was able to talk to him last night.
(Dün gece onunla konuşmayı başardım.)
He was able to get a good mark in the exam last week.
(Geçen hafta imtihanda iyi bir not almayı başardı.)
I was able to understand him.
(Onu anlayabilirdim.)
Exercise "can, could and be able to"
Do you think we can park over here?
Could you give me your number, please?
He could help me if I had a ladder
Look at that sign! You can't walk on the grass
I got the job because I was able to start immediately
The weather was sunny, so we were able to eat outside
We weren't able to finish all the meal
My grandmother could speak three languages
Fill in the blanks with the word “ Can, could ,was able to"
1. The bicycle chain broke but luckily I was able to repair it.
2. When I opened the door I ..... could .............. smell gas.
3. The fire was spreading but he .. was able to .. get out of the burning building.
4. I was walking along the street and suddenly I .. could ..see smoke coming from the church tower.
5. Mr. Smith wears glasses because he .. can't .... see very well.
6. Peter had flu all week but on Saturday he .. was able to in the match
7. I .... couldn't ............... understand what was happening.
8. Speak up! I ..... can't ................. hear what you are saying.
9. The driver saw the dog in the middle of the road and he . was able to ..... stop just in time.
10. I ... was able to ................... swim to the shore when the ship sank.
Fill in the blanks with the word “ can , can't “
1. She can't fly but she can run.
2. No, she .... can't ............. watch TV, it is too late.
3. No, I’m sorry you ... can't ............ have this knife. It's too dangerous.
4. Yes, I ..can............. see a bird in the tree.
5. She can't write but she ..can......... read!
6. He ... can't ........... watch that cartoon on TV. It's only available on DVD's.
7. Yes, of course you ..can............ have a glass of water.
8. No , I ... can't ....... hear you . Speak up, please.
9. ......Can............. you work with all that noise?
10. .....Can.......... you eat a chocolate cake after that big meal?
11. I .... can't ......... ride a horse, but I can ride a bike.
12. No, I.... can't ........ swim but I would like to learn.
13. Yes, I ...can.......... write with my left hand.
14. ..Can....... I use your pencil please? I forgot mine.
15. .Can........ you cook that recipe? It is very hard.
16. I am very bad at English, So, I ... can't ........... speak English fluently, sorry.

ingilizce eğitim,modals,can could konu anlatımı,can could be able to should konu anlatımı,can could farkı,ingilizce can konu anlatımı,ingilizce could couldn't konu anlatımı,ingilizce be able to konu anlatımı,ingilizce was were anlatımı,ingilizce couldn't ne demek,ingilizce modals konu anlatımı,ingilizce modals soru çözümü,ingilizce modals tablosu,ingilizce yapabilmek yapamamak,10.sınıf ingilizce be able to,ingilizce yapabilirim yapamam cümleleri,

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