
Find out how the PR9 Network facilitates real-time trading settlements...

Find out how the PR9 Network facilitates real-time trading settlements... Jordan interviews Jamie Forrester, the COO of the PR9 Network, which is a real-time trading settlement platform for assets held in cold storage, based in Malta.

Jamie derives from a background in the custodian industry and is all too well aware of the complications that can arise from custody solutions and the safeguarding of assets. Using his prior knowledge garnered through his experience in the custodian industry, Jamie is applying this expertise to encompass the custodian’s needs within the PR9 platform.

Traditionally, says Jamie, blockchain-based assets are safer when held in cold storage and so, in the interest of greater security, the PR9 network is building its platform to facilitate the trading of blockchain-based assets while they remain in cold storage.

For Jamie, the three key aspects to the PR9 network is tackling and addressing industry-wide issues, doing it in a way that is different from its competitors and finally making it as easy to use for anybody to the point where it becomes as simple as plug in and get going.

Jamie also teased some upcoming announcements from the PR9 Network but could not disclose them at the time – he did say however there are multiple announcements being staggered for the release all the way up to Christmas.

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pr9 network,Jamie Forrester,Malta AI & BC Summit,crypto trading,

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