
C9 vs FLY - A Double Debut | WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OPS

C9 vs FLY - A Double Debut | WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OPS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Open me ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I go through why C9 played the draft like this and how it got them the W

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Edited by -
Produced by -

Intro Music - Ben Sound - All That
Outro Music - Grant - Constellations (feat. Jessi Mason)


Locodoco,League of Legends,Vi,C9,FLY,Flyquest,cloud 9,team fight,split push,top lane,bot lane,jungle,licorice,svenskeren,nisqy,Sneaky,zeyzal,v1per,santorin,pobelter,wildturtle,jayce,JayJ,aatrox,hecarim,sylas,varus,galio,irelia,vi,braum,ryze,xayah,support,proview,riot,riot games,wild turtle,adc,

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