
Amazon Style Recommendations OR One Click Upsells | What's better? | #TacticThursday

Amazon Style Recommendations OR One Click Upsells | What's better? | #TacticThursday Amazon's recommendation engine increased sales by 35%.

Amazon has a ton of recommendations on the product pages for upsells and cross sells. They also use the frequently bought together section on the product page to recommend complimentary items.

Turns out, that when Amazon introduced the recommendation engine - their sales grew by 35%.
Clearly, Amazon's recommendations do work! And they do not permit the sellers to add frequently bought together items from the backend. It's also algorithm driven.

The only caveat being:

The product pages look cluttered with all the recommendations and suggestions!

Remember each page serves one goal:

The product page's job is to convince prospects about the product.
The job of the checkout page is to make prospects pay.
The job of the one-click upsell page is to upsell a relevant item.
And the job of the downsell page is to make people accept the downsell offer and increase order value.

If the product page starts doing the job of the upsell page - then what you'll get is a cluttered product page.

The fact of the matter is: What works for Amazon may or may not work for you!

Because it's a marketplace! It can show similar items, complimentary items, same items at different price points sold by different vendors & more - all on the same product page.

But when you're spending money to bring people to your product page - you can't do all of that.

You've got to step out of their checkout flow and let them complete the purchase.

Your primary goal is to sell the main product and that's only possible when you get rid of all the distractions on the product page.

The secondary goal is to upsell them a relevant item to increase the order value.

One click upsells allow you to do just that.

So who wins this challenge is something we'll leave it on you to decide.

You're the best judge! Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

Watch this space to learn more about UpStroke 2.0.

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