

There are many silly things that are not common in India. But you can't judge this Bombay country from one side only. Well, here are some facts in this country that will change the way you think. But before we continue, for those of you who haven't subscribed, click the subscribe button below this video first. Don't forget to turn on the bell button so you don't miss other important information from this channel. Click like and also share to your social media, so that your friends also know what you know. Let's share knowledge and interesting things that exist in this world.

Number 8: T-series.
The T-series is said to be able to defeat the king of the world Youtuber, Pewdiepie. Until this content was created, the T-series really beat the number of Pewdiepie subscribers. However, the fight between the two giant channels continues. Many say that the T-series subscriber is fast because the T-series uses fraudulent methods, where many of its audience suddenly subscribe themselves. Although this cannot be proven. There are also many analyzes that reveal that the growth of the T-series subscribers is due to the large population of internet users in India which reaches 500 million users. This number is more than 1/3 of the population of India. In addition, this is also inseparable from the high human population in India. It is possible for people to subscribe because they want the youtube channel from their country to be the biggest in the world.

Number 7: Yoga.
It is said that yoga is a physical dissipation of ancient spiritual symbols and branches of philosophy originating from India and have existed since 5000 years ago. The word yoga itself comes from Sanskrit namely Yuj or Kuk or can be interpreted to join or unite. The first generation is yoga Velda which emphasizes the knowledge of sacrifice, knowledge of singing and praise and magical spells that cover a number of philosophical understandings. Yoga velda which is also called the yoga arcaik closely with ancient Indian rituals that combine the material world with an invisible spirit world.

Number 6: Bollywood.
Indian films are arguably one of the leading film industries among other countries. In Indonesia alone, there are very many film lovers who are identical with this jogging action. Just look at the mothers if they don't watch soap operas, they must watch India.

Bollywood is the most productive film industry in the world. Even if compared to Hollywood, there are far more films produced in India each year. The Indian film industry has grown rapidly in the last two centuries. Until now they have produced around 27,000 films and thousands of short documentary films.

Number 5: Plastic surgery.
Plastic surgery is often understood as a breakthrough in modern technology. Regardless of aesthetic reasons or whatever, plastic surgery is also performed for reconstructive purposes. One of the earliest examples of plastic surgery can be found in Susruta Samhita, an important medical text from ancient India. This book originated in the 6th century BC and was associated with physician Susruta who in Sanskrit means very famous. Susruta Samhita's most famous contribution to plastic surgery is nose reconstruction. This heritage is known as Rhinoplasty.

Number 4: Street.
The length of the road network in India is quite complex and very long. When calculated the total length of this road network reaches 4.7 million kilometers. When compared to the circumference of planet Earth, which is about 40 thousand kilometers, the fact is that traveling a road network in India, is equivalent to traveling around 117 times the planet Earth. Wow amazing.

Number 3: Mustache.
If you ever watch Indian movies, you must often see the character of a police mustache. Not only the police, many also found that the men there let the fine hair grow on their faces. Uniquely, according to Indian society, a mustache is a symbol of good looks and dignity emitted by a man. Not only that, the mustache police will also get a higher salary than those who are not moustached. This rule applies to the police on duty at Madyapradesh. Police who grow mustaches or hair under their noses will be paid more.

Number 2: Family.
This man from India is believed to be the biggest head of the family in the World. Ziona Chana the male name in question. Married 39 wives. From his dozens of marriages, he has 94 children, 14 daughter-in-law, and 33 grandchildren. The number is expected to continue to grow. Uniquely all his wives, children, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren lived together on one roof in the village of Baktwang - Mizoram. The house consists of 4 floors and 100 rooms. Really a big family.

Number 1: Ruler.
Not the Greeks who discovered the ruler, but the ancient Indians in 1500 BC. This ancient ruler was made of ivory with accuracy of 2 millimeters and was the reason why prehistoric buildings in India were made with the utmost precision.

Thanks for watching.

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