
The Brexit Splits Just Get Wider!

The Brexit Splits Just Get Wider! Some people claim that the EU referendum of 2016 split the nation - but I fundamentally disagree.

As we watch the Conservative Party and Labour Party splitting asunder after trying for so long to cater for both sides of the Brexit debate within the ranks of their politicians, members and supporters, we now see they are trying the same strategy on a joint party basis.


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You could not make it up!

Both the two major parties have seen the national split on Brexit now begin to manifest itself within their own respective party structures, mainly driven by the proximity of the EU elections that the actions or inactions of both those parties has forced upon the nation.

They have both failed to deal with their own in-house binary splits, so what do they do? They decide to try and forge a consensus between them that they could not forge within their own natural support bases.

And in the process they will alienate their own people across the board as well as deliver neither Brexit nor Remain - all they will deliver is more chaos and more acrimony.

And the seeds of all of this were sown back in 1973, when the people of the UK were fooled into thinking they were joining a trade only common market.

Voters were also misled back in 1975 in the lead up to the referendum on whether we stayed in or exited the Common Market. That we were to be part of a European superstate was hidden from us.

The ambitions of a new European superstate were always hidden from us with, for example, the Lib Dem leader at the time of the EU referendum in 2016, Nick Clegg, saying that talk of an EU army was a dangerous fantasy - but what do we see evolving right now before our very eyes?

So, as it became ever more evident what was going on, that more power was seeping out of Westminster and into the hands of Eurocrats, that it was expansionist and that the European Union that it had morphed into wanted more and more control over more and more facets of our lives. So more and more people in the UK wanted out of it.

It was that attempt over many decades to try and secretly dismantle the UK and reconstruct it as a sort of EU county council that created the split. And it was that split that generated the EU referendum.

It all came to a head when UKIP surged and won the 2014 EU election popular vote, came second in many seats in the 2015 general election and when the Tories saw the Carswell and Reckless defections from their ranks to UKIP.

Those at the top knew they couldn't get away with quietly pushing the EU agenda behind the backs of voters any more. The establishment now needed a public mandate to forge on with ever closer integration and embrace the Lisbon Treaty fully.

Thus the referendum was born. The problem for them though was that, despite all the anti-Brexit hype and fear-mongering, the wrong side won.

And now, because they won't do what the majority of voters want they are just splitting the country more and more.

And this current plan being cooked up to seemingly deliver either a three quarter in and one quarter out Brexit or indeed no Brexit at all, will do nothing to rectify that.

The only way of mending a split nation is to actually have a fully sovereign and independent nation in the first place.

Because from that point on, you have the freedom to forge a direction ahead for the country that can be bought into by a large majority of voters.

But according to one commentator, Eurocrats do not actually think the UK will ever leave the EU at all. They think we will just keep on extending Article 50 until Brexit sort of naturally expires.

Belgian journalist Marc Roche told BBC's Dateline London that the UK will definitely hold EU elections on the 23rd of May, after which there will be a series of further Article 50 extensions and Brexit will die.

"It is fantastic," he said, "I spend a week in Brussels. They say to you, basically, from the UK it will be to postpone and to postpone, three or four times.

"Then Brexit will die, that is the view in Brussels, simply by default because there is nothing else."

And this is of course exactly what our own establishment and most of our politicians have been aiding and abetting with the EU for, over the last nearly three years, isn't it?


News,Politics,Brexit,Political News,Brexit News,Brexit Latest,European Union,United Kingdom,EU,UK,UKIP,UK Government,brexit negotiations,Pro Brexit,Anti Brexit,Remainers,Leavers,Leave Voters,Remain Voters,Remain MPs,UK Parliament,UK Politics,UK Political News,European Union News,Brexiteers,European Court of Justice,ECJ,Jeff Taylor Brexit,no deal Brexit,nick clegg,eu army,common market,Conservative Party,Labour Party,eurocrats,brussels,

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