
Muscle Tested Evidence that Indicates Chasing Wealth Loses You Spiritual Points & V-Versa

Muscle Tested Evidence that Indicates Chasing Wealth Loses You Spiritual Points & V-Versa Muscle Tested Evidence that Shows Chasing Wealth Loses You Spiritual Points & V-Versa

Firstly, to knock a fallacy right out the gate up front, bear in mind that typical muscle testing methods are weak ... at best. Let's face it, if they all worked as flawless as new agers tout, they'd be gods in no time. Seriously, if it was 100% accurate, many of them would know just about anything and be supersoldiers ... rather than remain simpleton new agers as they are and remain so all their lives. So use discernment ... with everything especially anything new-age. So while Psych-k works provably so with brain scans alone, muscle-testing is still iffy and badly needs some serious clinical unbiased verification, true dyed-in-the-wool, tried, and proven scientifically, with independently tested results.

NOW, with that said, "IF" you've proven yourself and your method to be as accurate as this man says with as many trials, that's a different story FOR YOU/HIM. But the actual point I'm making in this video is that his trialed test results "prove" something entirely different from muscle testing: namely your path in life, and more specifically, that the path we're ALL on is one that either leads towards health OR wealth. One opposes the other - as evidenced in the results this guy found out haphazardly for himself - results he wasn't expecting. So you know he wasn't being biased nor is he a friend of mine. He's a total stranger. I've never even visited his channel.

So there's only ONE path in life with two directions: WEALTH at one end ... OR ... HEALTH way at the other end.

This means there are only two prime "best" ways to live: a life-long move towards wealth, wisdom in the money direction OR a great steady paced overt efforts in the power direction, in the opposite direction of wealth to health-spirit. Chasing one automatically loses the other one as evidenced in this short video clip.

To witness typical new agers daily trying to achieve both is embarrassing to the intellect. To go one way, you go away from the other way as simple as when you go from the kitchen to the bathroom you must leave the kitchen. Yet they don't see it that way lol.

See my other videos on the H-0-W scale of life for more details.


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