
Measuring RPM and some further firmware improvements

Measuring RPM and some further firmware improvements This video is about a further improvements in the firmware of a PIC micro controller based frequency counter and crystal tester in kit form sold on the internet under many names, for example "1Hz-50MHz Digital LED DIY Kits Crystal Oscillator Frequency Counter Tester".

This video came about while I played around measuring revolutions per minute (RPM) of various objects, like fans or propellers.

In previous videos, I described modifying the hardware to change the horrible "crystal oscillator tester" part into a pre-amp for the counter and how to improve readout resolution in the Khz range. These videos are
Changing the hardware:
Changing the firmware:
Improving resulution and adding RPM mode:

The firmware (previous and latest version) as source or HEX file can be downloaded here:

PIC,PIC16,PIC16F628A,frequency counter,kit,DIY,software,firmware,measurement,lab equipment,RPM,Hz,accuracy,electronic,resolution,frequency period,assembler,circuit,crystal,oscillator,micro controller,mod,modification,propeller,fan,blade,Dremel,

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