As I walked my little boy out to the car this morning to take him to preschool, he commented on how cold it was outside. I told him that was why mama got him the new jacket he was wearing today. I added that we could expect it to get a lot colder very soon.
He then proceeded to walk to the car, stopping several times along the way to explore as two-year-olds often do. I glanced toward heaven and smiled as if to thank God for something. What I didn’t really know.
I have a total of five children. Number five won’t be born until February, but my wife and I look forward to meeting him.
Our family has been homeless. I have gotten up in the morning on many times when I didn't know how God would provide for us that very day. He always did. He still does. Sometimes in the most surprising and unexpected ways.
As I watched my boy explore his way down the sidewalk, I remember thinking that it’s going to get a lot colder in a few months. I reflected on the fact that he had no idea. He had no concern whatsoever whether this jacket would be enough in two months when the temperature is five below zero. Things like that don’t cross his mind. He knows that mama and daddy take care of everything.
Someone asked me today what I was thankful for. I thought about it for a minute and then I remembered that morning walk from the front door to the car. I realized I was thankful for a little blue jacket, the little boy wearing it and for those fleeting few seconds when God gave me a glimpse of what it truly means to be a child of God.
Track Title: Inspiring Dreams.
Music by MaximusSound.
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