
How do you acquire a second language?

How do you acquire a second language? In this video, I try to make the content accessible. Acquisition Classroom members received a written version with citations. I answer how *adults* acquire a second language, but the response is the same for children (except "adult" is one of the limitations I list on the effectiveness of grammar learning - so that knowledge source will play even less of a role than it already does). By showing that the process and product of adult acquisition is qualitatively the same as first language acquisition, then the implication is that it also happens the same way for younger learners of a second language.

To learn more of the specifics and about the studies that form the basis of my answer, check out the Acquisition Classroom Memo and Forum. The Memo reviews foundational, second language acquisition research and what it means for classroom teaching.
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second language acquisition,language teaching,linguistics,universal grammar,usage-based,Acquisition Classroom,

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