Director Dasaradh has issued a press statement in this regard. "Shyamala Rani's novel was published in August 2010. However, I had registered the story in February 2009 itself as 'Navvuthoo' with the Cine Writers' Association. I am herewith attaching the Association's certification. In 2008 when Prabhas was shooting for 'Billa' in Malaysia, I and Dil Raju garu went to Malaysia to narrate the story of 'Mr. Perfect'. There is no truth in the allegation that 'Mr. Perfect' is a copied story. My story predates her novel. I have been advised by my well-wishers and Raju garu to give clarification with this regard, which is why I am making this statement," the director says.
"If this smear campaign is not stopped, I will take legal recourse," the director adds.
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