
Single Loaf NO BOWL Ready In Less Than An Hour

Single Loaf NO BOWL Ready In Less Than An Hour No need to knead! Also, forget the oil, sugar, and the bowl!

I had to come up with a sustainable way to make bread every day. This is the easiest way to make bread, and it really does turn out every time! long as you don't heat the water too much. Twice the yeast didn't rise because I used water from the kettle. To be sure that doesn't happen any more, I use cold water and microwave it for the same amount of time every time.
This bread really did only take me 7 minutes to make! I cut out a bunch of the stirring and waiting for the microwave to cut down the length of this video so you would get bored watching!
I use white flour first for a reason. I used to think using the whole grain flours first was a good idea, but the bread would always fall apart. I use the white flour first so the gluten has time to form. That's what holds the bread together. Many people think that you need to knead the bread to encourage the gluten to work, but I have found that when we knead the bread, we tend to add more and more flour to keep it from sticking to our surface and hands. This can cause the bread to get too thick which means it will require a longer rise time. It can also cause the bread to become dry.
The Chopstick!
When making the bread in a loaf pan, it is hard to use a normal mixing spoon because the contents can easily over spill. It really slows things down if you have to take care not to spill. My solution was using a chopstick! The cheap take-out ones work, but they do wear down and break over time. I suggest purchasing a nice set of chopsticks. If you don't have any laying around, and don't want to buy any, just use the handle of a wooden spoon.
For this method, using a nonstick pan without scratches is ideal. It's worth it to go buy a new pan! This recipe works in both the wider loaf pans, and the more narrow loaf pan. If you let the smaller pan rise too long, it might spill over the edges. If that is a concern, place the pan on a cookie sheet both while rising and baking.

bread,home made,easy,quick,2 minute,10 minute,vegan,no sugar,no oil,how to,make,recipe,homemade,

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